Swedish Cooking Classes

Sponsored by Fylgia Lodge in San Francisco, are held monthly (Saturday 1pm to 4pm) at Nordic House in Berkeley from January until October. These classes are a fun way to learn more about Swedish cuisine (both traditional and contemporary), Swedish culture occasionally - Swedish
music. Some classes are participatory. The cost is minimal (usually $10 including lunch). This is a fun, low-
stress way to spend a Saturday afternoon with fun people, learning, eating and having a great time!

Dates fluctuate.
For more information or to RSVP,
please contact

Scott Schulkin

Swedish Recipes Group Online

I want to encourage you to join the group. There is no cost. We have thousands of recipes (not all are up yet, but they are in process). Mikael and I are in the process of inputting them into a program that also yields nutritional information. Mikael has uploaded a number of complete cookbooks already. (I should also note there are recipes from all the other Nordic countries as well). You will have access to a huge amount of recipes. You are
welcome to share your own (although this is not required). THERE IS NO COST. Our entire mission is to save these recipes from being lost.

To join: simply go to https://groups.io/g/swedishrecipes . From there click on the button that says "apply for membership in this group." That's it! Either Mike or I will approve your membership. You can set your notifications to get every email, a digest every so often (for example, daily, weekly or monthly).
Once you are a member, you can go to the file section and explore delicious Swedish and Nordic recipes! I hope you will join!

Scott Schulkin, PhD, MFT